Of course! You are aware of the components of a car maintenance, which is frequently performed once or twice a year. Basically, it calls for a thorough vehicle inspection and diagnostic checks, car engine oil and filter replacement, and lubrication, etc.

It might also involve wheel alignment or tyre rotation. These tasks typically result in an entry in the service log, falling under the category of minor or basic service.

A car, however, has a number of intricate systems in addition to its engine and tyres. Although not as frequently as basic services, they do require some sort of care. This is major service. If you are not aware about the major service, have a closer look here before moving further.

Let's dig deeper to gain more insight so you can maintain your vehicle for a long time.

What does a major service cover?

A major service includes transmission fluid replacement so that there should not be any problems while transferring power from the driveshaft to the wheels. It also consists of an inspection or possible replacement of brake and clutch fluids.

Wheel bearing replacement or greasing also falls under the major service. However, this also includes many other smaller jobs and replacements of a number of crucial parts such as spark plugs and a list of filters, including cabin, fuel, and air filters.

When it comes to the frequency, a major service should come after two basic services or after attaining the 25,000 KM. However, you might need a trusted workshop for this work. Service My Car offers a comprehensive major car service for a number of makes and models.

What makes necessary to go for a major service?

A car requires routine maintenance because it is a depreciating asset. If nobody takes care of things, problems could start to occur.

In order to prevent these parts from betraying you, particularly on the road, maintenance work insists on essential inspection of the critical components. You wouldn't feel at ease while operating a vehicle on the road because it might break down. On the other hand, a well-kept vehicle promotes confidence and security on the road.

Driving an unworthy vehicle won't be enjoyable for you. Regular maintenance does not allow problems to occur or become severe issues that only require a huge investment.

Nevertheless, regular maintenance helps improve fuel consumption. A car will run perfectly with optimal lubrication and clean air filters. Besides, this is also beneficial for the resale value of your car. A proper car service history always influences the price of a vehicle.

What are the side effects of ignoring a major repair?

As stated above, a car needs to be mechanically fit to deal with challenges on the road, while a lack of repair might result in an unnecessary failure. There is a list of expensive and complex repairs you have to deal with.

Transmission Problems- Transmission is usually an extremely complex mechanism. A high dependency on the transmission fluid makes it susceptible to major damage if there has been no proper care in terms of fluid or filter replacement.

Though a service hardly takes more than a couple of hours, a major repair is a costly affair and requires a few days to make a full recovery. However, Service My Car comes in handy when dealing with car transmission repair or can even spare you with a transmission inspection. In case you own a mitsubishi car, and you are looking for transmission repair then we would like to recommend Service My Car, the best and trusted mitsubishi repair dubai center for transmission repair for your mitsubishi car.

Engine Problems-If a car owner has a worst nightmare, it is likely engine problems or even an engine overhaul. An engine failure might not rescue you paying for those hefty bills that often car workshops put in front of you.

However, Service My Car may be a place where your engine problems get professional treatment at very reasonable prices.

Suspension Problems- Though suspension issues do not arise easily, when they do, it is always quite stressful to get rid of them. The suspension issue requires patience and a considerable amount of money.

Whether it is a worn-out shock absorber or a damaged control arm, these things need immediate attention so that they cannot turn into a threat. You can approach Service My Car for your car's suspension repair by an expert.

Modern cars have sophisticated diagnosis systems that continuously check the car and its systems for problems. However, you get notified about a problem via a warning light. But responding to a particular warning or even opting for a preventive mechanism is your option.

A major service is not only a recommendation to keep a vehicle in proper condition, but it also cultivates the preventive mechanism against any major damage to a vehicle while instilling a sense of security in the driver’s mind.

Now, you should understand the logic behind opting for a major car service, which involves devoting your time and, of course, some valuable money. However, if there is a lack of time, you can approach Service My Car for a free pick-up and delivery of your vehicle. Just book a car service online on our website or app anytime. A car repair quote is also available for you if you place an order.

According to statistics, people take buying a used car seriously. The value of the world's used car market was $1,411.5 billion in 2020, and by 2030, it is expected to surpass $2,526.02 billion.

Here, our goal is not to educate ourselves on this new industry. However, it demonstrates that even after giving a lot of service over the years, you can still get a fair price for your car.

But not every car is capable of attracting the proper valuation due to many reasons. How you care for your car has a big impact on how much it is worth. A vehicle, like a passenger car, normally ages over time. Usually, a car encounters hostile environments, whether they are sweltering hot or bitterly cold. It also has to deal with various types of road debris and dust.

Every time these things happen, the condition of the car degrades. Everything would be taken into account when selling a car in order to determine the value of the car.

However, there are ways to learn the hacks so that your car remains intact not only mechanically but in appearance too. Just look at these important points here in detail.

Opt for routine maintenance regularly

When you go for a car sale, would anyone prefer to buy a car that has not received proper care in terms of routine maintenance?

Even though your car hasn't had any major repairs or parts replacements yet, it still needs proper routine maintenance because, at a point of time (running for few years), maintenance is a guarantee of a car's quality. A car that has received poor maintenance may not be deemed a worthwhile investment because it may end up costing the owner more money over time to keep it in working order.

This is the main justification for why the majority of people (who look for used cars) prefer to first glance over the service book (or logbook) before making a final decision.

Service My Car allows you to keep your vehicle intact while keeping it well maintained and obtaining a great resale value.

Take care of documents and receipts properly

While talking about routine maintenance, it is necessary to keep the service book updated. And, if there would no service book (in case lost), re-issuing from the dealership or keeping the bills safe is crucial.

Apart from that, you should keep repair bills safe too. Some cars have shown certain issues that have bothered the customers. Early this year, Mercedes-Benz revealed a problem with coolant pump leakage that has been causing the elevated temperature. However, the company did not issue any immediate fix until the component had been made available.

Such repairs might have a significant impact on your car's resale value if you look at the cost.

Make the most of your tyres by rotating them

Since most mechanics do not advise car owners to rotate their tyres very frequently, it is not a preferred practise and is frequently overlooked. What is the purpose of tyre rotation? This is brought on by variations in wear and tear speed.

Typically, front-wheel drive cars experience rapid tyre wear, especially on the front ones. The load of the engine sitting over the wheels and the stress of the drive train can actually cause front wheel drive cars to wear out their front tyres more quickly.

However, by rotating your tyres once a year or at each service interval, you can get the most out of them along with ensuring equal wear and tear. This type of maintenance is beneficial for keeping a car in good condition, and it shows prospective buyers how much you care about the car.

Remove any residual dent and scratch on surface

However, you car might be on the top of maintenance while having those unnecessary dents and scratches at the outer surface. This is a big negative for a potential buyer as potential buyers may get a reason for negotiating the value of your car.

Though, having some small scratches is not a big deal, but if there is any noticeable imperfection, you might get a cut in the expected value. However, the dent correction and scratch removal is not the big deal.

You can approach Service My Car for making your car appear better and not let putting off the potential customer.

Do not hesitate to clean and detail your car  

In addition to having a profitable mechanical design, a car's exterior should impress potential buyers right away.

If you want your car to look neat and clean, you can choose to take an extra spot when going through the car wash. However, it is always possible revive a worn-out-looking vehicle by car detailing. A thorough cleaning helps to clean every nook and corner of your car as well as remove food residue and other waste from inside. In case you own a bentley car, and you are looking for a bentley car wash then we would like to recommend Service My Car to get the best car wash for your bentley car in the town. Service My Car not only provides a bentley car wash but also provides bentley repair, service, engine oil, battery replacement and maintenance services.

Additionally, washing your car frequently can help you become more aware of any additional scratches and fluid levels in the engine bay. And, it keeps a car’s exterior more lively for a longer duration.

These points definitely prove to be useful for keeping the resale value high even after years of service.

However, Service My Car assist you in achieving the expectation, you can think of from your vehicle even after serving you for a number of year intently. Just use our website or app to book a car service or order a car repair quote online.

According to statistics, people take buying a used car seriously. The value of the world's used car market was $1,411.5 billion in 2020, and by 2030, it is expected to surpass $2,526.02 billion.

Here, our goal is not to educate ourselves on this new industry. However, it demonstrates that even after giving a lot of service over the years, you can still get a fair price for your car.

But not every car is capable of attracting the proper valuation due to many reasons. How you care for your car has a big impact on how much it is worth. A vehicle, like a passenger car, normally ages over time. Usually, a car encounters hostile environments, whether they are sweltering hot or bitterly cold. It also has to deal with various types of road debris and dust.

Every time these things happen, the condition of the car degrades. Everything would be taken into account when selling a car in order to determine the value of the car.

However, there are ways to learn the hacks so that your car remains intact not only mechanically but in appearance too. Just look at these important points here in detail.

Opt for routine maintenance regularly

When you go for a car sale, would anyone prefer to buy a car that has not received proper care in terms of routine maintenance?

Even though your car hasn't had any major repairs or parts replacements yet, it still needs proper routine maintenance because, at a point of time (running for few years), maintenance is a guarantee of a car's quality. A car that has received poor maintenance may not be deemed a worthwhile investment because it may end up costing the owner more money over time to keep it in working order.

This is the main justification for why the majority of people (who look for used cars) prefer to first glance over the service book (or logbook) before making a final decision.

Service My Car allows you to keep your vehicle intact while keeping it well maintained and obtaining a great resale value.

Take care of documents and receipts properly

While talking about routine maintenance, it is necessary to keep the service book updated. And, if there would no service book (in case lost), re-issuing from the dealership or keeping the bills safe is crucial.

Apart from that, you should keep repair bills safe too. Some cars have shown certain issues that have bothered the customers. Early this year, Mercedes-Benz revealed a problem with coolant pump leakage that has been causing the elevated temperature. However, the company did not issue any immediate fix until the component had been made available.

Such repairs might have a significant impact on your car's resale value if you look at the cost.

Make the most of your tyres by rotating them

Since most mechanics do not advise car owners to rotate their tyres very frequently, it is not a preferred practise and is frequently overlooked. What is the purpose of tyre rotation? This is brought on by variations in wear and tear speed.

Typically, front-wheel drive cars experience rapid tyre wear, especially on the front ones. The load of the engine sitting over the wheels and the stress of the drive train can actually cause front wheel drive cars to wear out their front tyres more quickly.

However, by rotating your tyres once a year or at each service interval, you can get the most out of them along with ensuring equal wear and tear. This type of maintenance is beneficial for keeping a car in good condition, and it shows prospective buyers how much you care about the car.

Remove any residual dent and scratch on surface

However, you car might be on the top of maintenance while having those unnecessary dents and scratches at the outer surface. This is a big negative for a potential buyer as potential buyers may get a reason for negotiating the value of your car.

Though, having some small scratches is not a big deal, but if there is any noticeable imperfection, you might get a cut in the expected value. However, the dent correction and scratch removal is not the big deal.

You can approach Service My Car for making your car appear better and not let putting off the potential customer.

Do not hesitate to clean and detail your car  

In addition to having a profitable mechanical design, a car's exterior should impress potential buyers right away.

If you want your car to look neat and clean, you can choose to take an extra spot when going through the car wash. However, it is always possible revive a worn-out-looking vehicle by car detailing. A thorough cleaning helps to clean every nook and corner of your car as well as remove food residue and other waste from inside. Service My Car not only provides car wash services but also provides car services like car battery replacement, car tinting, car oil change, car window tinting, car ac repair, car detailing services, etc.

In case, you are looking for a trusted car garage for car window tinting, we would like to suggest you Service My Car, the best and trusted car workshop in the town.

Additionally, washing your car frequently can help you become more aware of any additional scratches and fluid levels in the engine bay. And, it keeps a car’s exterior more lively for a longer duration.

These points definitely prove to be useful for keeping the resale value high even after years of service.

However, Service My Car assist you in achieving the expectation, you can think of from your vehicle even after serving you for a number of year intently. Just use our website or app to book a car service or order a car repair quote online.

Oil changes are the most common type of car maintenance. Though, engine oil is the norm with each scheduled maintenance, or even sometimes way before.  Do you know why engine oil change is essential?

A simple answer is the usability of a lubricating fluid. Since the engine oil has the dual responsibility of cooling the engine and keeping the components lubricated, it might lack efficacy over time and requires a change to keep servicing a vehicle’s engine. Depending on the distance run, engine, and oil quality, car oil change intervals might be different. Even so, it would be beneficial if you took action quickly, whether that needs changing the oil filter yourself or opting for a professional service.

One of a car's most intricate and important parts, the engine, needs modern specifications to operate at the top of its game. Here are the unknown benefits of properly changing engine oil.

Savings of extra bucks you spend on fuel – enhanced efficiency

How does fuel consumption relate to the efficacy of engine oil? It is quite apparent as a new vehicle offers the best mileage compared to the same vehicle after a few months (specifically without maintenance). The grime and dirt will accumulate inside your engine, causing friction, which is not good for your engine. Engine performance and optimal fuel efficiency do not like friction at all.

However, a fresh and clean oil engine ensures the reduction of friction, allowing your engine to run more effectively and get the best gas mileage.

There are a number of factors that affect the fuel consumption though, including driving habits, condition, etc. Consult with a professional at Service My Car now.

Preserve your engine for a longer duration

As discussed above, the oil performs the duty of lubricating the engine components. So what would happen if there is a lack of engine oil or if it is considerably contaminated? Of course, the engine parts will suffer more. It could turn into a hazard when the engine components have to work without proper lubrication. This surely shortens the life of the engine as a whole, as you will be looking for an unexpected part replacement or engine overhaul.

A worthy expenditure that will help to maintain your car’s engine for many years to come is a regularly scheduled oil change.

Your vehicle get passed emission tests freely

The majority of governments pay close attention to the emission standards. You can therefore take it for granted. Although a car's engine is the main source of exhaust, what matters is whether a car's tailpipe gases contain hydrocarbons.

These hydrocarbons can accumulate inside your car’s engine if you don't change your oil on a regular basis. They may get released into the atmosphere by the car's exhaust.

Therefore, you will not only be lessening your pollution if you change your oil on schedule, but it will also help you pass this necessary emissions test. However, get in touch with a professional at Service My Car for a better understanding.

Are you looking left wondering where's the best car maintenance near me in Dubai? Look no further than Service My Car. Service My Car will help you to provide their best car maintenance service center Dubai with free pickup and delivery services.

Boost engine performance

When your vehicle contains the old oil, the heat becomes it enemy. As a result, both its viscosity and its capacity to lubricate the engine cylinder walls receive significant damage.

In simple language, contaminated oil cannot flow freely to certain places. In some places, sludge starts to accumulate and obstruct the flow of lubricant to the necessary parts.

Oil also serves the additional purpose of removing heat from engine components. Heat starts to accumulate at the inaccessible parts and make them hotter for a long time. Eventually, the engine becomes less effective in terms of fuel consumption as well as power generation.

If there is any instance of lack of acceleration after pressing the accelerator, visit one of Service My Car's workshops at the earliest.

Keep your engine clean

Engine oil attracts dust and dirt. When there is a substantial interval between changing the engine oil, there is always some sort of dirt collection on a number of engine parts, even though they are protected enough. This is the primary reason for sludge build-up around the engine, which has some unfortunate consequences too.

Any of these damaging pieces of dirt and debris can be removed from your engine before they cause any harm by regularly changing your engine oil and replacing your filters.

Keeping this necessity in mind, oil changes must be scheduled on a regular basis. They are unquestionably not a vehicle service you should disregard. Old, dirty oil lowers engine performance, reduces fuel economy, and shortens the life of your engine.

However, there is a variety of engine oil available in the market with different capacities in terms of lubrication or application in a particular season. You can consult a professional for the perfect engine oil for your vehicle.

At Service My Car, you get proper information for your query. You can book a car service or order a car repair quote through our app or website anytime.

Oil changes are the most common type of car maintenance. Though, engine oil is the norm with each scheduled maintenance, or even sometimes way before.  Do you know why engine oil change is essential?

A simple answer is the usability of a lubricating fluid. Since the engine oil has the dual responsibility of cooling the engine and keeping the components lubricated, it might lack efficacy over time and requires a change to keep servicing a vehicle’s engine. Depending on the distance run, engine, and oil quality, car oil change intervals might be different. Even so, it would be beneficial if you took action quickly, whether that needs changing the oil filter yourself or opting for a professional service.

One of a car's most intricate and important parts, the engine, needs modern specifications to operate at the top of its game. Here are the unknown benefits of properly changing engine oil.

Savings of extra bucks you spend on fuel – enhanced efficiency

How does fuel consumption relate to the efficacy of engine oil? It is quite apparent as a new vehicle offers the best mileage compared to the same vehicle after a few months (specifically without maintenance). The grime and dirt will accumulate inside your engine, causing friction, which is not good for your engine. Engine performance and optimal fuel efficiency do not like friction at all.

However, a fresh and clean oil engine ensures the reduction of friction, allowing your engine to run more effectively and get the best gas mileage.

There are a number of factors that affect the fuel consumption though, including driving habits, condition, etc. Consult with a professional at Service My Car now.

Preserve your engine for a longer duration

As discussed above, the oil performs the duty of lubricating the engine components. So what would happen if there is a lack of engine oil or if it is considerably contaminated? Of course, the engine parts will suffer more. It could turn into a hazard when the engine components have to work without proper lubrication. This surely shortens the life of the engine as a whole, as you will be looking for an unexpected part replacement or engine overhaul.

A worthy expenditure that will help to maintain your car’s engine for many years to come is a regularly scheduled oil change.

Your vehicle get passed emission tests freely

The majority of governments pay close attention to the emission standards. You can therefore take it for granted. Although a car's engine is the main source of exhaust, what matters is whether a car's tailpipe gases contain hydrocarbons.

These hydrocarbons can accumulate inside your car’s engine if you don't change your oil on a regular basis. They may get released into the atmosphere by the car's exhaust.

Therefore, you will not only be lessening your pollution if you change your oil on schedule, but it will also help you pass this necessary emissions test. However, get in touch with a professional at Service My Car for a better understanding.

Boost engine performance

When your vehicle contains the old oil, the heat becomes it enemy. As a result, both its viscosity and its capacity to lubricate the engine cylinder walls receive significant damage.

In simple language, contaminated oil cannot flow freely to certain places. In some places, sludge starts to accumulate and obstruct the flow of lubricant to the necessary parts.

Oil also serves the additional purpose of removing heat from engine components. Heat starts to accumulate at the inaccessible parts and make them hotter for a long time. Eventually, the engine becomes less effective in terms of fuel consumption as well as power generation.

If there is any instance of lack of acceleration after pressing the accelerator, visit one of Service My Car's workshops at the earliest.

Keep your engine clean

Engine oil attracts dust and dirt. When there is a substantial interval between changing the engine oil, there is always some sort of dirt collection on a number of engine parts, even though they are protected enough. This is the primary reason for sludge build-up around the engine, which has some unfortunate consequences too.

Any of these damaging pieces of dirt and debris can be removed from your engine before they cause any harm by regularly changing your engine oil and replacing your filters.

Keeping this necessity in mind, oil changes must be scheduled on a regular basis. They are unquestionably not a vehicle service you should disregard. Old, dirty oil lowers engine performance, reduces fuel economy, and shortens the life of your engine.

However, there is a variety of engine oil available in the market with different capacities in terms of lubrication or application in a particular season. You can consult a professional for the perfect engine oil for your vehicle.

At Service My Car, you get proper information for your query. You can book a car service or order a car repair quote through our app or website anytime.

Looking for the best car polishing or car cleaning services? Look no further than Service My Car. With Service My Car, you get to benefit from our extensive network as your car is likely to be taken to the best car detailing Dubai service. Just call us or book a service online.

Oil changes are the most common type of car maintenance. Though, engine oil is the norm with each scheduled maintenance, or even sometimes way before.  Do you know why engine oil change is essential?

A simple answer is the usability of a lubricating fluid. Since the engine oil has the dual responsibility of cooling the engine and keeping the components lubricated, it might lack efficacy over time and requires a change to keep servicing a vehicle’s engine. Depending on the distance run, engine, and oil quality, car oil change intervals might be different. Even so, it would be beneficial if you took action quickly, whether that needs changing the oil filter yourself or opting for a professional service.

One of a car's most intricate and important parts, the engine, needs modern specifications to operate at the top of its game. Here are the unknown benefits of properly changing engine oil.

Savings of extra bucks you spend on fuel – enhanced efficiency

How does fuel consumption relate to the efficacy of engine oil? It is quite apparent as a new vehicle offers the best mileage compared to the same vehicle after a few months (specifically without maintenance). The grime and dirt will accumulate inside your engine, causing friction, which is not good for your engine. Engine performance and optimal fuel efficiency do not like friction at all.

However, a fresh and clean oil engine ensures the reduction of friction, allowing your engine to run more effectively and get the best gas mileage.

There are a number of factors that affect the fuel consumption though, including driving habits, condition, etc. Consult with a professional at Service My Car now.

Preserve your engine for a longer duration

As discussed above, the oil performs the duty of lubricating the engine components. So what would happen if there is a lack of engine oil or if it is considerably contaminated? Of course, the engine parts will suffer more. It could turn into a hazard when the engine components have to work without proper lubrication. This surely shortens the life of the engine as a whole, as you will be looking for an unexpected part replacement or engine overhaul.

A worthy expenditure that will help to maintain your car’s engine for many years to come is a regularly scheduled oil change.

Your vehicle get passed emission tests freely

The majority of governments pay close attention to the emission standards. You can therefore take it for granted. Although a car's engine is the main source of exhaust, what matters is whether a car's tailpipe gases contain hydrocarbons.

These hydrocarbons can accumulate inside your car’s engine if you don't change your oil on a regular basis. They may get released into the atmosphere by the car's exhaust.

Therefore, you will not only be lessening your pollution if you change your oil on schedule, but it will also help you pass this necessary emissions test. However, get in touch with a professional at Service My Car for a better understanding.

Boost engine performance

When your vehicle contains the old oil, the heat becomes it enemy. As a result, both its viscosity and its capacity to lubricate the engine cylinder walls receive significant damage.

In simple language, contaminated oil cannot flow freely to certain places. In some places, sludge starts to accumulate and obstruct the flow of lubricant to the necessary parts.

Oil also serves the additional purpose of removing heat from engine components. Heat starts to accumulate at the inaccessible parts and make them hotter for a long time. Eventually, the engine becomes less effective in terms of fuel consumption as well as power generation.

If there is any instance of lack of acceleration after pressing the accelerator, visit one of Service My Car's workshops at the earliest.

Keep your engine clean

Engine oil attracts dust and dirt. When there is a substantial interval between changing the engine oil, there is always some sort of dirt collection on a number of engine parts, even though they are protected enough. This is the primary reason for sludge build-up around the engine, which has some unfortunate consequences too.

Any of these damaging pieces of dirt and debris can be removed from your engine before they cause any harm by regularly changing your engine oil and replacing your filters.

Keeping this necessity in mind, oil changes must be scheduled on a regular basis. They are unquestionably not a vehicle service you should disregard. Old, dirty oil lowers engine performance, reduces fuel economy, and shortens the life of your engine.

However, there is a variety of engine oil available in the market with different capacities in terms of lubrication or application in a particular season. You can consult a professional for the perfect engine oil for your vehicle.

At Service My Car, you get proper information for your query. You can book a car service or order a car repair quote through our app or website anytime.

Take advantage of the best car repair in Dubai with Service My Car. If you own a maserati and need any type of maserati service or repair, Service My Car provides you free pickup and delivery at the nearest maserati repair dubai.

Most of us know about the CC of our vehicles. But, have you ever wondered about the significance of CC or cubic centimetres in an internal combustion engine?

What is CC or cubic centimetres?

CC denotes a metric unit to gauge engine volume or capacity. It refers to the distance travelled by the piston inside the cylinder during one full cycle of the engine, from the top to the bottom.  Essentially, the measurement of a vehicle‘s engine capacity is cubic centimetre or CC.

How does a cylinder relate to an engine capacity?

Technically speaking, a vehicle's performance has a lot to do with the size of its engine. It helps in figuring out some important engine characteristics like engine power, torque, and mileage.

In plain English, a vehicle's power increases with the cubic capacity of an engine. The air and fuel mixture are kept in a cylinder before being pressurised and burned. And since there is more room, there is also more fuel to burn.

As a result, the power output increases along with the amount of fuel being burned. Therefore, in a conventional engine design, the power output of an engine is directly proportional to its capacity.

But adding more fuel to the engine makes it run more powerfully and use more fuel. The power output increases along with the cylinders' volume. However, this eventually lowers the mileage. This makes cars get more mileage when the engine size is bigger.

However, the cylinder facilitates the air to fuel burning, and combustion happens under the protection of a cylinder head. A cylinder head is equipped with various valves, springs, and lifters. It is the top portion of the internal combustion engine of a vehicle. The cylinder head regulates flow during the intake of fuel and air and blowing gases out.

A cylinder head uses the head gasket to close the combustion chamber and seal the cylinders. Besides, the cylinder head governs the intake of lubricants that manage the friction of the cylinder’s inner walls.

The cylinder and its head are some of the most critical components that might have severe impacts from small wear and tear.

Here we are going to discuss some potential problems with the cylinder head.

The cylinder and its head are some of the most critical components that might have severe impacts from small wear and tear.

The cylinder head is prone to overheating.

Cylinders deal with the combustion process, so no one can deny the presence of heat. However, there is coolant to deal with the excess heat managing the proper temperature. But, constant exposure to heat might put cylinder head internal components under pressure. There might be some congestion due to distortion of shape that does not allow coolant to pass through. This might put the cylinder and its head under immense heat.

However, you can counter such a situation as your car’s engine starts to hint about the high temperature on the dashboard. Moreover, Service My Car assists you in dealing with engine issues so that you can spare yourself from costly car engine repair.

Sustained Oil leakage

Oil leaking is definitely not a good sign. However, a cracked cylinder head could cause a significant leak.Check the engine to see if there is any evidence of oil around the cylinder head, even if you are unable to personally detect a leak but the oil light is on the dashboard.

However, a worn head gasket might be a culprit behind an oil leakage as it cannot hold things right. If things are obscure, it is better to go for a professional inspection by an expert at Service My Car.

Lack of engine oil invites a number of underlying issues that can damage your car’s engine entirely.

Lower level of coolant

The fact that your engine overheats frequently indicates a serious problem. Typically, a leak turns out to be the main cause of a low coolant level. Additionally, coolant leaks unnecessarily due to a cracked cylinder head or a worn head gasket.

However, as the engine begins to heat up from the lack of coolant, this could lead to more serious long-term problems.

Sign of smoke at tailpipe

A cylinder problem, especially when it gets cracked, is the constant presence of smoke at the tailpipe.

However, it implies that the crack and damage are probably much more severe. If this has happened, you should try to have a professional fix the issue as soon as possible to prevent further harm to the engine. However, a smoke at the tail pipe tells you about an emergency under the hood.

Nevertheless, replacement of the engine’s cylinder head is possible if repair is not feasible. But the problems should be clear when it comes to remedying them first.

As cylinder head might sustain a crack but it is quite rare and often happens with old vehicles mostly. On the other hand, the head gasket wears and tears is a major issue with most vehicles.  However, the head gasket replacement is easy at any of Service My Car workshop.

Service My Car equips with all necessary tools and our experienced mechanics leave no stone unturned to serve you. Book a car service or order a car repair quote at our website or app anytime.

Are you left wondering ‘what’s the best car recovery al quoz‘? Look no further than Service My car. At ServiceMyCar, we provide the most reliable and efficient service when it comes to the car recovery service center has to offer.

Do you feel that your four-wheel drive has started to lose its spark? It is not as fast and up to the performance level like past.Over time, engines can lose their power, resulting in a notable drop in performance and reduced horsepower as well as efficiency.


A car’s engine is a complex mechanism, and even the smallest component might result in reduced power.


How do you exactly know about your engine's reduced power?


As your car's mileage increases, its engine will experience natural wear and tear. There are a lot of signs of reduced engine power. Most notably, the check engine light appears on the dashboard, and you also push harder to accelerate at the same time.


Apart from that, there is always some sign of exhaust smoke at the tailpipe and when you try to idle your car, it behave rough than normal.


If all or few of them have been a regular experience, then you have to find out the remedy for your car’s engine problems.


What causes this dip in performance? And how can you prevent it?


Check and replace Engine oil & oil filters


In general, an automobile goes through the internal lubrication and it needs engine oil. It does not only provide lubrication but helps in extending the life of an engine. However, an older car that has travelled certain distance might need a car oil change much before the expected time.


A new oil filter that suits your car make and model, or an engine oil of the proper grade is main ingredient of a proper lubricant. Your car's engine will run more smoothly if you replace the oil filter, drain the old oil, and then add new, fresh oil.


However, you can avail Service My Car assistance for an assured service by a professional.


Inspect spark plugs


Combustion process needs all the spark plugs intact as if they can provide the necessary spark, the combustion might get missed and it reflects in engine misfire.


It's crucial to change spark plugs. Regular replacement of these is necessary to maintain the engine's peak efficiency and performance. Spark plugs for petrol engines should be replaced at least once a year or as part of a full service. On the other hand, you can go for spark plugs replacement every 15000 KM. It's also crucial to keep in mind that the age of the vehicle may affect how frequently spark plugs need to be changed.


Use additive to clean those clogged fuel injectors


In some cases, fuel filters are insufficient to keep particles and deposits out of the fuel system. These deposits travels all the way to the engine from the fuel tank and there is not filter under the hood for filtering out them.


These tiny particles are sufficient to obstruct the fuel injectors' slender nozzle. And if that's the situation, you can't count on fuel injectors to deliver the right fuel to the combustion chamber.


This is quite obvious in the form of engine performance problems in vehicles.


However, this issue is simple to fix because all you need to do to clean those fuel injectors is use some fuel additives inside your fuel tank. This cleaner's cutting-edge cleaning formula dissolves dirt and boosts system performance.


On the other hand, Service My Car offers assistance with problems like fuel filter replacement and engine performance.


 Look out for any Malfunctioning Sensor 


Nowadays, the cars are technological sophisticated with a long list of sensors. These sensors help drivers to ride their vehicle with more awareness. They also govern major operation of a vehicle too.


These sensors are crucial for maintaining power and performance because they send signals to the ECU and check everything from temperature to engine operations.


Engine sensor problems are rare, but when they do occur, they can lead to a variety of problems, including decreased engine output. And to make matters worse, because the symptoms are so similar to those of other under the hood problems, it can be challenging to identify a malfunctioning sensor.


If you do not posses any automobile knowledge, it is worth to access the service of professional mechanic. Service My Car offers a car scanning and diagnostics service that just only highlight a defective sensor, but you get to know about a list of existential and potential issue with your vehicle.


There are a number of potential causes if you've noticed a recent loss of power or feel like your car's engine is slowly degrading. However, there might be other minor issues such as the faulty fuel pump, worn ignition coil, faulty EGR valve, etc

Even though some engine repair issues are minor, others necessitate immediate assistance from a car engine repair expert.


Nevertheless, you cannot avoid the loss of engine power, but you reserve all right to bring it back at it best. If you need help of an expert, it would be better to avail services of Service My Car.


If you need any type of car repair services or maintenance, there is no better option than Service My Car. With our extensive Car repair network, you can get the best car services from one of the region’s best car repair shop center.

Is there any specific instance from one of your travels that comes to mind? Your path is being crossed by a wild animal, or an engine heating up. A flat tyre is a less serious yet frequent incident. Although you can't avoid it, you can fix it.


However, it is essential to become knowledgeable about the various available repair options. An evaluation is necessary for a more complete understanding.


What Are The Options Available In The Case Of A Flat Tyre?


Two possibilities are on the table.


Tyre Plug


The plug repair procedure does not require you to remove the tyre as it can be applied to a fastened tyre. It is a lengthy piece of mouldable rubber that is applied to the punctured spot on a tyre. Once it is applied substantially outside, a tyre starts to hold the air as it expands to cover the hole and surface entirely.


The cost of a tyre plug is high, but the procedure does not take too much time. Many people have personally inspected tyre plugs and asserted that they are durable.


Tyre Patch


A patch procedure requires you to remove the tyre from the wheel as it requires the application of a rubber compound inside the tyre.


The patch is placed over the tear or puncture. It enlarges and fuses to the tyre rubber to form a substantial rubber patch as the air pressure is restored to the tyre.


It takes times for the requirement of the removal of tyre and the place it back. However, a tyre plug repair can be completed faster than this procedure.


What Factors To Opt For Particular Repairs?


However, each does their jobs well. However, how well they work depends on how big the hole is and, more specifically, where it is.


Any of them should be used to repair a hole around the walls. An improperly shaped hole cannot be repaired with a plug, but it can be with a patch. Similar to a hole at an angle, a patch is not the best solution.


If there is another puncture already present in addition to the current one, don't use a plug or patch.


You have a choice between tyre plugs and patches because there is so much conflicting advice and knowledge available. Both will maintain and repair a nail puncture or tread tear on the majority of tyres. Radial patches can occasionally fix sidewall damage, but in most cases, sidewall damage necessitates completely replacing the tyre.


It's crucial to keep any tyre damage in mind.


How Long Does A Tyre Plug Or Patch Last?


A tyre patch or plug can be used as a cheap fix, but are they as effective? The quality of the flat tyre service holds the key to the solution.


A patch of high quality lasts as long as a tyre does on the road. Usually, it lasts between eight and nine years. This also holds true for the plug repair.


You can anticipate that a patched tyre will last longer than the original tyre if it is applied by a knowledgeable and skilled individual.


Patching is thought to be a better investment than purchasing new tyres because it only costs less money. However, replacing a worn-out tyre is safer than patching it if you have one.


What about the Safety of a Patched Tyre?


It is quite common to have doubts about the safety of a tyre repaired by patch. However, it is not wise to replace a tyre after a tiny puncture when a patch or plug can fix the problem.


If you drive on a flat tyre, there is always the possibility of imbalance, and at some point of time, a tyre may get blown.


However, a tyre is safe to drive until there is considerable wear and tear. So the patch or plug repair assures some sort of durability far from the flat tyre.


These repairs have been tried and tested for a number of years. No matter how rough or rocky the road is, it is safe to drive with a patched tyre. However, you should replace the tyre if you frequently drive fast on the highway. The only way to drive safely is to adhere to the suggested speed limit.


However, there might be a question in mind about how much time a tyre needs to be patched. Obviously, a tyre may not sustain a series of patches. However, it is better to consult an expert at a reliable car service centre such as Service My Car.


Here, you can get answers to a number of questions, such as, does my tyre need another patch or is it time for a tyre replacement?


A patch or plug is a fabulous alternative for saving a hefty amount of tyre replacement costs. On the other hand, if you encounter a flat tyre in the middle of nowhere, these options turn out to be lifesavers.


However, you always retain the right to ask for roadside assistance service from Service My Car just by giving us a call or visiting our app or website. Get on-demand flat tyre assistance from Service My Car.


Are you left wondering 'what's the best Car Recovery Dubai '? Look no further than Service My car. At ServiceMyCar, we provide the most reliable and efficient service when it comes to the car recovery service center has to offer.

A car's transmission is a complex component, and over the years, it tends to experience a dip in performance. There might be a lot of factors that might degrade the performance. Consistent friction or a low level of transmission fluid is some of the major causes of the low-grade performance of a transmission system.


An automobile's transmission is just as crucial as its engine in terms of performance. It is a transmission job to manage, at various gear ratios, the engine torque into usable power to drive the wheels of a vehicle. 


However, nobody wants to deal with transmission problems, though. Many drivers would actually prefer to be ignorant of the signs of a damaged or rapidly failing transmission. 


However, it is essential to understand what is considered "degraded transmission performance." While it is not possible to examine the transmission itself, there are numerous examples that can be used to detect its level of degradation.


How Do You Assess A Transmission's Low Grade Performance?


As a driver, you usually experience various signs of performance degradation. However, a struggling transmission system does not provide a comfortable ride. Moreover, these are a few tell-tale signs of a declining transmission system.


Hesitation during Gear Shifting


A gear system starts to hesitatewhile gear shifting during a drive. Sometimes it may be a complete refusal. In some cases, especially for manual transmissions, the gear tends to lose synchronization with engine revolutions. These signs hint at the issue with the transmission system.


An Unusual Smell around the Transmission


If there is no leakage along with the burning smell, sludge, metallic component breakdown, and clutch debris are likely to blame for your transmission fluid overheating. However, it is a common consequence of a long time of ignorance.


Turbulence Noise with a Hint of Shaking and Grinding


A troublesome transmission does produce some sort of unusual noise, and if there is sufficient shaking and jerking, it is surely a transmission issue.


However, these are some major signs of deteriorating transmission. But, do you know about the preventive management of such issues? It implies that if a preventive strategy is in place, transmission degradation can be avoided.


Never Ignore the Service of Your Cooling System


One major cause of transmission degradation is overheating. However, you can easily avoid the transmission heat by taking care of a few things. Keeping the cooling system intact is the first step to avoiding the premature failure of the transmission system. It requires keeping the coolant at a higher level and keeping an eye on any leakage. However, you should also check the belts and even hoses. However, it is better to take the assistance of an expert at a trusted service centre.


Avoid Sudden Acceleration


Many drivers develop the habit of sudden acceleration, especially after a stop at the traffic lights. However, this seems like a bit of fun, but it is not good for the transmission. This sudden acceleration may cause overheating while putting the whole system under stress. Therefore, you can take care of your vehicle's transmission by opting for a normal speed after taking a halt at traffic lights.


Opt For an Engine Tune-Up 


As it is quite obvious that a car relies on a complex mechanism involving several components, a lacklustre engine often puts stress on the transmission system. Here, car engine-tuning proves to be handy in terms of performance improvement of an engine and transmission too. 


An engine tune-up requires checking on the fuel filters and inspecting spark plugs, etc.


Be Aware Of the Weight Your Vehicle Is Carrying


Almost every vehicle has a limited capacity to carry the load, whether it is towing or carrying. If there is a persistent event of carrying the overload, then there is a sufficient probability of premature transmission system failure. However, it is worthwhile to look out for the weight capacity of your vehicle as per your manufacturer.


Keep an Eye on the Transmission Fluid


The most important thing to prolong the life of your transmission system is transmission fluid. It should be good quality wise and have sufficient quantity to lubricate the system. Then, transmission fluid would safeguard the system from overheating.


Moreover, it also plays a major role in the hydraulic pressure in automatic transmissions. However, most manufacturers advocate maintenance-free transmissions, but it is evident that the transmission fluid may degrade overtime and needs to be replaced to avoid pollutants such as metal debris or sludge. Sometimes, you also need to opt for transmission oil filter services as the filters usually get clogged.


The transmission system has to overcome challenges to serve your smooth drive. If you have to be in the heated conditions and drive for a long time, it is your responsibility to take care of the transmission system. However, preventive maintenance proves to be a key to sustaining the challenge and remaining intact despite the years of service. 


And whatever it takes, don't ignore these warning signs or put off taking care of the vehicle in the hopes that you can do this on those free days. The preventive maintenance turns out to be more fruitful as you can skip the whole car transmission repair.


However, you would need a reliable service centre at which you can rely on. And, Service My Car is a proved station of your automotive needs for comprehensive car maintenance. You can ask for a car repair or order a quote for car service on our app or website.


Take advantage of the best car repair in dubai with Service My Car. If you own a Toyota and need any type of Toyota service or repair, Service My Car provides you free pickup and delivery plus full car servicing at the nearest Toyota Repair Dubai center.

A car's transmission is a complex component, and over the years, it tends to experience a dip in performance. There might be a lot of factors that might degrade the performance. Consistent friction or a low level of transmission fluid is some of the major causes of the low-grade performance of a transmission system.


An automobile's transmission is just as crucial as its engine in terms of performance. It is a transmission job to manage, at various gear ratios, the engine torque into usable power to drive the wheels of a vehicle. 


However, nobody wants to deal with transmission problems, though. Many drivers would actually prefer to be ignorant of the signs of a damaged or rapidly failing transmission. 


However, it is essential to understand what is considered "degraded transmission performance." While it is not possible to examine the transmission itself, there are numerous examples that can be used to detect its level of degradation.


How Do You Assess A Transmission's Low Grade Performance?


As a driver, you usually experience various signs of performance degradation. However, a struggling transmission system does not provide a comfortable ride. Moreover, these are a few tell-tale signs of a declining transmission system.


Hesitation during Gear Shifting


A gear system starts to hesitatewhile gear shifting during a drive. Sometimes it may be a complete refusal. In some cases, especially for manual transmissions, the gear tends to lose synchronization with engine revolutions. These signs hint at the issue with the transmission system.


An Unusual Smell around the Transmission


If there is no leakage along with the burning smell, sludge, metallic component breakdown, and clutch debris are likely to blame for your transmission fluid overheating. However, it is a common consequence of a long time of ignorance.


Turbulence Noise with a Hint of Shaking and Grinding


A troublesome transmission does produce some sort of unusual noise, and if there is sufficient shaking and jerking, it is surely a transmission issue.


However, these are some major signs of deteriorating transmission. But, do you know about the preventive management of such issues? It implies that if a preventive strategy is in place, transmission degradation can be avoided.


Never Ignore the Service of Your Cooling System


One major cause of transmission degradation is overheating. However, you can easily avoid the transmission heat by taking care of a few things. Keeping the cooling system intact is the first step to avoiding the premature failure of the transmission system. It requires keeping the coolant at a higher level and keeping an eye on any leakage. However, you should also check the belts and even hoses. However, it is better to take the assistance of an expert at a trusted service centre.


Avoid Sudden Acceleration


Many drivers develop the habit of sudden acceleration, especially after a stop at the traffic lights. However, this seems like a bit of fun, but it is not good for the transmission. This sudden acceleration may cause overheating while putting the whole system under stress. Therefore, you can take care of your vehicle's transmission by opting for a normal speed after taking a halt at traffic lights.


Opt For an Engine Tune-Up 


As it is quite obvious that a car relies on a complex mechanism involving several components, a lacklustre engine often puts stress on the transmission system. Here, car engine-tuning proves to be handy in terms of performance improvement of an engine and transmission too. 


An engine tune-up requires checking on the fuel filters and inspecting spark plugs, etc.


Be Aware Of the Weight Your Vehicle Is Carrying


Almost every vehicle has a limited capacity to carry the load, whether it is towing or carrying. If there is a persistent event of carrying the overload, then there is a sufficient probability of premature transmission system failure. However, it is worthwhile to look out for the weight capacity of your vehicle as per your manufacturer.


Keep an Eye on the Transmission Fluid


The most important thing to prolong the life of your transmission system is transmission fluid. It should be good quality wise and have sufficient quantity to lubricate the system. Then, transmission fluid would safeguard the system from overheating.


Moreover, it also plays a major role in the hydraulic pressure in automatic transmissions. However, most manufacturers advocate maintenance-free transmissions, but it is evident that the transmission fluid may degrade overtime and needs to be replaced to avoid pollutants such as metal debris or sludge. Sometimes, you also need to opt for transmission oil filter services as the filters usually get clogged.


The transmission system has to overcome challenges to serve your smooth drive. If you have to be in the heated conditions and drive for a long time, it is your responsibility to take care of the transmission system. However, preventive maintenance proves to be a key to sustaining the challenge and remaining intact despite the years of service. 


And whatever it takes, don't ignore these warning signs or put off taking care of the vehicle in the hopes that you can do this on those free days. The preventive maintenance turns out to be more fruitful as you can skip the whole car transmission repair.


However, you would need a reliable service centre at which you can rely on. And, Service My Car is a proved station of your automotive needs for comprehensive car maintenance. You can ask for a car repair or order a quote for car service on our app or website.


Take advantage of the best car repair in dubai with Service My Car. If you own a f Honda and need any type of Honda service or repair, Service My Car provides you free pickup and delivery plus full car servicing at the nearest Honda Service Center.