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Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Board of Commissioners Meeting*
Meeting Time: March 14, 2023 at 10:00am PDT
Closed for Comment March 13, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
4. Semi-Annual Report No. 3 for Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Sanitation and Environment Regarding the Construction and Performance Validation of the Hyperion 1.5 MGD Advanced Water Purification Facility Project
K. Minutes
1. Recommendation for approval of the minutes for the February 28, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.
L. Items for Approval
1. Recommended by Office of the Chief Operating Officer Approval of Contract No. 2820 for Leased or Rented Vanpool Vehicles with Airport Van Rental, Inc., for a term of 36 months and for an amount not to exceed $7,285,860. Determine item is exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).
2. Recommended by Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Approval to Establish and Revise Duties Description Records, Adopt the Salary Adjustments, and Amend the Annual Personnel Resolution for the Classification of Utility Administrator. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) anticipates appointing four employees to the newly created positions which will result in an $80,414.10 increase per month to LADWP’s 2022-23 fiscal year labor costs. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).
3. Recommended by Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Approval to Establish and Revise Duties Description Records, Adopt the Salaries, and Amend the Annual Personnel Resolution for the Classification of Line Maintenance Assistant. There are currently 28 incumbents in the Line Maintenance Assistance journey levels. The annual fiscal impact would be $647,071.04. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3). City Council approval is required.
4. Recommended by External and Regulatory Affairs Approval of the North Hollywood Chlorination Stations and North Hollywood Operable Unit 2nd Interim Remedy West Treatment Project and Adoption of 11 the Mitigated Negative Declaration in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The estimated construction cost is $42 Million. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15070-15075.
5. Recommended by Financial Services Organization Approval of Transmittal of Preliminary Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Budget to the Los Angeles City Council – Power Revenue Fund Receipts and Appropriations Budget and Associated Schedules. Estimated appropriations for FY 2023-2024 total $6.82 Billion. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2).
6. Recommended by Financial Services Organization Approval of Transmittal of Preliminary Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Budget to the Los Angeles City Council – Water Revenue Fund Receipts and Appropriations Budget and Associated Schedules. Estimated appropriations for FY 2023-2024 total $2.81 Billion. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2).
7. Recommended by Financial Services Organization Approval of Energy Cost Adjustment Expenditures for the 12-Month Period Commencing April 1, 2023. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).
8. Recommended by Financial Services Organization Approval of Estimated Water Supply Cost, Water Quality Improvement, Owens Valley Regulatory, and Water Infrastructure Expenditures for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).
9. Recommended by Financial Services Organization Approval of Excess Liability Insurance Policy and Wildfire Insurance Program Renewal, for an amount not to exceed $85 Million. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2).
10. Recommended by Office of the City Attorney for Water and Power Approval of Legal Services Agreement between the City of Los Angeles, acting by and through the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Beveridge & Diamond P.C., Agreement No. 47756-3, for a term of three years and an amount not to exceed $400,000. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).
11. Recommended by Power System – Construction, Maintenance, and Operations Approval of Contract Nos. 288A, 288B, and 288C for Conventional California Air Resources Board Diesel/Renewable R99 Diesel Fuel, Unleaded California Reformulated Gasoline, and Commercial Airline Jet “A” Fuel with Falcon Fuels, Inc.; Merrimac Petroleum, Inc. dba Merrimac 11 Energy Group; and SC Commercial LLC dba SC Fuels, Respectively, for a term of 36 months and an amount not to exceed $93,120,712. Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).
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