Meeting Time: February 25, 2025 at 10:00am PST


You may now submit an eComment on upcoming agenda items or subject matters under the jurisdiction of the Board of Water and Power commission. The eComment period opens at 10:00 a.m. on the Saturday before the scheduled Board meeting, and will close on the Monday before the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Prior to the Board meeting, the eComments will be exported into a report and provided to the members of the Board and General Manager.

eComments are part of the official Board meeting record. Personal information volunteered by the user on eComments becomes public record and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law.

eComment User Agreement

By using this system to submit eComments, users agree to the following terms:

1. Users will only submit eComments that are civil and respectful of others.

2. Users will submit using their real names and will not post comments using fictional or pseudo names. Users will accurately provide information required to use the eComment system.

3. Users assume responsibility/ownership of the information contained in their eComments, including but not limited to video, photos, or digital reproductions. Users assume responsibility for  any copyright or trademark infringement due to posting on this site.

4. LADWP does not guarantee that any information posted by users on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from use on any such information.

5. Users of this site do not retain any rights over their postings. eComments become public record and the user waives any rights to privacy or confidentiality to any information provided by using this system.

6. LADWP reserves the right to delete submissions that contain inappropriate and vulgar language, personal attacks, or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, or religious group. LADWP also reserves the right to delete comments that are:

·        spam or include links to other sites;

·        clearly off topic;

·        advocate illegal activity;

·        promote particular services, products, or political organizations;

·        infringe on copyrights or trademarks


Agenda Item

1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Section 54956.9(d)(1) of the California Government Code) Carlos Flores v. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Claim No: 2006-00889, Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board Case No. ADJ808178. The Board shall publicly report any action taken in closed session and the vote or abstention of every member present thereon, in accordance with Section 54957.1 of the California Government Code.

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