8. Recommended by Water System Approval of Agreement No. WR241000
with the Los Angeles Department of
Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation and Environment for the Groundwater
Replenishment Project. LADWP will reimburse LASAN up to $740 Million for
the construction of the facilities. This total capital cost of up to $740 Million will
be utilized as follows: $495 Million for construction of a 30 MGD AWPF with
full advanced treatment processes? $130 Million for design and construction of
an Equalization Storage Facility? $20 Million for construction of a Maintenance
and Warehouse Facility? $15 Million for construction of the Japanese Garden
Effluent Bypass? and $80 Million for an overall project contingency. This
Agreement expires 35 years after execution.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).