13. (Recommended by Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer)
(Approved by General Manager and Chief Engineer)
Approval of Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Nos. 47606A to I and K to O for Audit, Review, Consulting, and Related Services with Arroyo Seco Associates, Inc.; BCA Watson Rice LLP; Bronner Group LLC; Crowe Horwath LLP; Davis Farr LLP; Gartner Inc.; Harvey M Rose Associates LLC; KNL Support Services; KPMG LLP; Macias Gini & O’Connell LLP; Simpson & Simpson CPAs; Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting; TAP International; and Turner, Warren, Hwang & Conrad for terms ranging from 7 months to 19 months and an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,830,000.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).